UkanCamp Privacy Policy

UkanCamp respects your privacy and the privacy of your family and friends. UkanCamp is committed to protecting the personal information that you and they share with us. By using our web site (the “Web site”), you agree that your use of the Web site is governed by this privacy policy and our Terms of Service. This privacy policy shall also apply to your access of our Web site through mobile devices, tablets and apps, and your other interactions with us. From time to time, we may update this privacy policy. We encourage you to periodically check this Web site for updates. The most recent version of this privacy policy is reflected by the date located at the bottom of this privacy policy. Your continued use of our Web site affirms your agreement to such changes.

Generally, you can browse through our Web site without giving us any information about yourself or your family members. When we do need personal information to provide services that you request or when you choose to provide us with personal information, this privacy policy describes how we collect and use such personal information.

Disclaimer of Endorsement

References in this Web site to any third-party products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise do not necessarily constitute or imply their endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by UkanCamp. Links to other sites online are provided for your convenience in locating information and services, and these sites are maintained by other organizations over which UkanCamp exercises no control. UkanCamp expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content, accuracy of the information and/or quality of the products or services provided by or advertised on these third-party web sites.

Information Collection

UkanCamp may collect personal and non-personal information from customers based upon our business relationship and the nature of the products and services we provide. Information collected may include but is not limited to purchase information (name, address, and telephone numbers), financial information relating to any products and/or services that you purchase from UkanCamp (credit card information, security code and billing address), amongst other information.

UkanCamp also may collect information that is not customer identifiable. This information includes but is not limited to; the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of operating system you have configured on your computer, and the domain name of the website and/or Internet Service Provider from which you are linked to our website. UkanCamp primarily uses this information for market research and optimizing its systems in order to deliver the best customer experience possible.

UkanCamp may collect and use customer identifiable information for various purposes, including but not limited to, billing purposes or to inform you of products and services that better meet your needs. When UkanCamp uses third parties to perform services on its behalf, such as marketing, fulfillment services and shipping to customers, UkanCamp will request that such third parties protect your customer identifiable information consistently with this privacy policy. UkanCamp will not, however, disclose your customer identifiable information to third parties who want to market products to you without your express, written or equivalent electronic consent. UkanCamp will not sell, trade, or disclose to third parties any customer identifiable information derived from the registration for, or use of, a UkanCamp product or service — including customer names and addresses — without the consent of the customer.

Declining e-mail offers

UkanCamp may send customers e-mail regarding promotional offers or other news if a customer grants us permission to do so and provides an email address. A customer has the right to choose not to receive UkanCamp e-mail direct marketing communications by opting-out or unsubscribing. Upon such election, UkanCamp will not contact that customer directly with UkanCamp promotional messages, and will not use customer identifiable information obtained from that customer’s registration to contact that customer with UkanCamp product or service messages.


UkanCamp has implemented technology and security features to safeguard the privacy of your customer identifiable information from unauthorized access or abuse. UkanCamp will continue to enhance its security measures as new technology becomes readily available. However, UkanCamp cannot guarantee 100% security as a matter of policy. Please contact UkanCamp with further questions or concerns regarding the security of the website.


When you visit the UkanCamp website, we may store information on your computer that allows us to identify you immediately. This process is often referred to as “cookie” technology. Our website makes limited use of cookies in an effort to improve our level of service to our website visitors.

Other Websites

UkanCamp’s websites may contain links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by UkanCamp. Any personal information collected by such third party websites is not governed by this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you examine the privacy policies of such third party websites prior to submitting any personal information.

In some instances, our website content is also featured on other websites with differing or non-existent privacy policies. These websites may collect personal information from website visitors that may or may not be used in conjunction with our website information. Prior to supplying personal information to any third party company linking to our website, please read and understand the privacy policy of such third party company.

Social Media

Any information, communications, or material of any type or nature that you submit to our Web site (including, but not limited to any of our pages contained on a social media platform or web site such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) by email, posting, messaging, uploading, downloading, or otherwise (collectively, a “Submission”), is done at your own risk and without any expectation of privacy. We cannot control the actions of other users of any social media platform or web site and we are therefore not responsible for any content or Submissions contained on such sites and platforms. By visiting any of our pages or web sites that are contained on a social media platform or web site, you are representing and warranting to us that you have reviewed the applicable privacy policy and terms of use of such platform or web site and that you will abide by all such provisions contained therein.

Policy Changes

UkanCamp reserves the right to change its privacy policy by publishing new terms on its website at any time. Your continued access and use of our websites constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of such amended policy. This privacy policy does not create any legal right for you or any third parties.